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Clinical users: How to accept a patient’s self-registration request

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If one of your patients or clients have not already registered for VirtualCare, they have the ability to request a VirtualCare invitation on their main login page. When requesting an account, they are emailed a request form and asked to provide their information. Once submitted, their request is sent to you to verify. Once confirmed by you, the patient or client will be able to access VirtualCare.

1. Click Patients.


2. When a new self-registration request comes in, an Incoming request to join your roster section will display at the top of your Patients list. It will list the patient’s name, sex, birth date, health card number, and email. Verify the information they have provided against your records, ensuring that they are indeed one of your patients or clients.

3. To confirm they are one of your patients, click Accept.

Note: You can decline the request by clicking Decline.

Once you’ve accepted the patient request, the patient will display in your Patients list. They will be emailed confirming their registration, and they may begin to book virtual visits with you.