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Clinical users: How to create dependent accounts for your patients

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You have the ability to create a VirtualCare profile for your patient’s dependent or dependents. This dependent profile will display under your original patient’s profile and they will be able to request Virtual Visits on their behalf. Additionally, you may request Virtual Visits with their dependents.

1. Click Patients. The Patients list will display.

2. Click + Add Patient.

3. At the top of the + Add patient window, click the This patient is a dependent checkbox. This will enable two new fields: Guardian and Relationship to dependent.

4. In the Guardian dropdown, locate and select the dependent’s guardian. Once the guardian has been selected, the patient’s email will automatically populate in the Email field. They will receive an email to verify their dependent.

Note: A dependent’s guardian must be a successfully registered patient that has been verified in the VirtualCare system.

5. Select the Relationship to dependent. You can select Parent, Child, Sibling, Spouse, or Other family members.

5. Enter the dependent’s personal information in the remaining fields, including Last name, First name, Biological Sex (as used on the original birth certificate), Birth date, and Health card #.

Note: If the information entered into the Health card # or Email fields matches one in our database, an error message will display. It’s possible this patient may have been added to the system already.

6. When complete, click Add Patient. The window will display an Added message, and your patient will display in the list highlighted in green.


The dependent’s guardian will receive an email and they will verify their dependent’s account. Once this is complete, the guardian may request Virtual Visits on their dependent’s behalf.