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Clinical users: How to update your notification settings
You have the ability to configure VirtualCare to send you email notifications for any updates your patient or client might make to their virtual visit appointments. You can also set if you’d like to be reminded of a visit 12 hours before it is set to take place.
1. In the top right-hand corner, click your name > Account Settings.
2. Click the Notifications tab.
3. Beside Email Notifications, click Change.
A list of email notifications available in VirtualCare will display.
Note: By default, notifications will be turned ON. Additionally, the New Virtual Visit requests notification switch will be set to ON. If you would like to remove this notification, set the switch to OFF.
The following notifications are available to be set:
In review by patient: A patient is reviewing a Virtual Visit request from the clinic
Declined by patient: A patient declines a Virtual Visit request from the clinic
Accepted by patient: A patient accepted a Virtual Visit request from the clinic
Reassigned to me: Virtual visit request has been reassigned to you
Cancelled by patient: A patient has cancelled their Virtual Visit
4. Click the checkbox beside the notifications you’d like to receive updates for.
5. You can also set email notifications for when your patient has sent you an offline message, a new patient has completed a self-registration, or when a patient has completed an registration invite you have sent them.
6. When complete, click Save changes.
7. Beside In-app notifications, click Change.
8. The in-app notifications list is the same as the email reminders list. Click the checkmark next to the in-app notifications you’d like to receive.
In-app notifications display in the bell icon in the top right-hand corner of VirtualCare, beside your name. When you have a new notification, the bell icon will highlight red.
Clicking the bell icon will display a list of the notifications from your patients.
9. Click Mark All as Read to clear your notifications in the list.
10. When complete, click Save changes.