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Patients/clients: How to change/reset your password

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You have the ability to change your password two ways: If you’re logged into VirtualCare, you can change it through your account settings. If you’ve forgotten your password and can’t log in, you can reset it on the main login page.

To change your password while logged in:

1. Click your name in the top right-hand corner, then click Account Settings.


2. Beside Change Password, click Change.


3. In Current password, enter your old password. In New password, enter your updated password.

Note: You can click Show to display what you are typing. If not, the characters are hidden while typing.
Note: Your password must include the following:

  • At least 8 characters long.
  • At least 1 uppercase character.
  • At least 1 lowercase character.
  • At least 1 numeric character or symbol.

4. When complete, click Save changes. The updates will reflect in the fields, and the Save changes button will display Saved.

5. Click Close to close the edit window.

To reset your password:

1. On the main login page, click Forgot password?

2. Enter your email and then click Get Reset Link. A confirmation screen will display letting you know that an email has been sent to the address provided. You will receive a Reset your password email shortly.

3. Check your email and open the Reset your Password email. Click Reset my password. VirtualCare will open in a new window.

4. Under Password, enter your new password.

5. When complete, click Change password.

Note: You can click Show to display what you are typing. If not, the content entered will remain hidden.
Note: Your password must include the following:

  • At least 8 characters long.
  • At least 1 uppercase character.
  • At least 1 lowercase character.
  • At least 1 numeric character or symbol.

A confirmation screen will display letting you know your password has successfully reset. To login, click Go back to login.
