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Patients/clients: How to link a dependent to your patient/client account

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Note: Depending on your provider’s needs, this feature may or may not be available to you. The contents of this article are only applicable if your provider has requested them for your personalized VirtualCare experience. For more information, please contact your provider.

You have the ability to manually add one or more dependents to your VirtualCare account. A dependent is usually a relative that relies on you for assistance. Examples of dependents may include children, or elderly family members. Your provider will receive the request and approve or decline your submission based on their records.

1. Click Profiles.

2. Underneath your name, click Add dependent.

3. The Add dependent screen will display. Enter your dependent’s personal information. In the I am their dropdown, select their relation to you from the list. When ready, click Add.

Once the request has been sent, your Profiles list will display. Your recently submitted dependent will display under your name with a status of Pending.

Note: There are several patient invite statuses within VirtualCare. They include:

Invite status Description
Pending Your provider is currently reviewing your dependent’s profile submission.
Your verification needed

Your provider has reviewed your dependent submission and you must confirm via your email or VirtualCare.

Your provider will be notified of your request.

Note: You may edit your dependent request while it is in a state of Pending. To do so, click the dependent’s name, then the pencil icon in the top right-hand corner.

Note: You may also cancel the dependent request while it is in a state of Pending. To do so, click the dependent’s name, then the trashcan icon in the top right-hand corner.

4. Check your email. Once your provider has confirmed your dependent, you will receive an email from VirtualCare. Click the View dependent link. VirtualCare will open in a new internet browser window. Your dependent will display and the status of Pending will be removed.

Once approved, you can begin using VirtualCare on your dependent’s behalf. This includes requesting virtual visits with their provider.