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Patients page updates
To improve privacy and general usability, we have updated the Patients page. Previously, opening the Patients page would display every patient within the system. You had the ability to filter the list based on name, health card number, verification status, or provider.
For privacy purposes, we have updated the page so that it does not immediately display every client in the system. There is now a search bar and searching for a patient will return their specific results. Initially, the table will display with a Search for patients to view results here message.
The new search fields display at the top of the screen. You can search for a client within the system by first name, last name, health card number, or date of birth. Click Search to display your results.
Your results will display in the list below. If your search query yields many results, then the results will be paginated on multiple pages.
To reset the page, click Clear Search.
Note: We have renamed the Patient details action button to Assessments to properly capture it’s function. Clicking the button will take you to a patient’s assessments.
Patient Information page
When a user searches for a patient on the Patients page and clicks on the patient’s row, they will be directed to the Patient Information page. This page provides key details about the patient and options for managing their care.
Personal Details
- Displays the patient’s birthdate, age, and sex assigned at birth.
- Email address is listed along with a copy button for easy sharing.
- Phone number (if available) is shown. If unavailable, the page will display N/A.
The patient’s full address is displayed in the top-right corner.
Pharmacy’s Details
Displays the preferred pharmacy (if added). This section will show the pharmacy’s name, address, and phone number. If no pharmacy is listed, it will indicate “No preferred pharmacy was added for this patient.
Family Physician’s Details
Displays the patient’s family physician information. If no details are added, it will show “No family physician was added for this patient.”
Guardian Details
If the patient is a dependent, then their guardian details such as name and phone number will be displayed.
- Visit Now: Starts an immediate virtual consultation with the patient.
- Book Visit: Schedules a new visit for the patient.
- Documents: Opens the patient’s document library, where records or files can be accessed.
- Assessments: Allows the user to view or manage patient assessments.
Edit button
To update the patient’s personal details or add missing information, in the top right-hand corner of the Patient Information section, click Edit.
Additional Patient Information page access
Previously, if you wanted to access a patient’s details, the only way you would be able to do so would be to locate them on the Patients page via the search. For ease of use, we have added another way to review a patient’s details: By clicking their name within a visit’s details.
Visit History section
We have added a new section to the Patient Information page: Visit History. This area will list out all of a patient’s visits. These include both regular visits and Waiting room visits. It can be sorted by date requested (by most recent or oldest). Clicking each visit will open it’s corresponding visit details page. If the visit has any forms associated with it, a label will display under the Forms & RX column.
Note: The following designations may appear in the Forms & Rx column:
- Rx: Prescription
- Lab: Lab Requisition
- DI: Diagnostic imaging
- Microlab: Microbiology
- SN: Sick note
- OF: Order form
Note: The Visit History page will paginate after the first ten results.
You also have the ability to download the visit report from this page. Under the Visit Report column, if the visit has a report, click View.
The Preview and download Visit Report screen will display with a copy of the report. Review. If you have the ability to do so, you may download the report by clicking Download.