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Patients page updates

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To improve privacy and general usability, we have updated the Patients page. Previously, opening the Patients page would display every patient within the system. You had the ability to filter the list based on name, health card number, verification status, or provider. 

For privacy purposes, we have updated the page so that it does not immediately display every client in the system. There is now a search bar and searching for a patient will return their specific results. Initially, the table will display with a Search for patients to view results here message. 

The new search fields display at the top of the screen.  You can search for a client within the system by first name, last name, or health card number. Click Search to display your results.

Note: The ability to search the list via birth date will appear in an upcoming release.

Your results will display in the list below. If your search query yields many results, then the results will be paginated on multiple pages. 

To reset the page, click Clear Search.

Note: We have renamed the Patient details action button to Assessments to properly capture it’s function. Clicking the button will take you to a patient’s assessments.