Clinical users: How to schedule a date and time for a virtual visit

When a patient submits a virtual visit request, you have the ability to set a date and time to carry out the appointment. 1. Click Visits. 2. Locate and click the virtual visit you’d like to edit. 3. On the visit screen, click the pencil icon next to Scheduled Date & Time. 4. The Change Scheduling window will display. From the list […]

Clinical users: How to reassign a virtual visit’s provider

Once a virtual visit has been assigned to you, you have the ability to reassign the visit to another clinical user in your network. They will receive an email letting them know they are the new MRP for the visit, and they can carry it out. Note: A virtual visit can only be reassigned if […]

Clinical users: How to decline a virtual visit request

When a patient or client requests an appointment with you, you have the ability to respond and decline their request. 1. Click Visits. 2. In the list, locate the visit you’d like to decline. Click the patient’s name. 3. At the top of the visit’s details, click Decline. 4. A Decline appointment? confirmation window will display. You must select one of the […]

Clinical users: How to upload your digital signature

You have the ability to upload an image of your signature so that you can sign digital forms like prescriptions, requisition forms, and more. Note: You’ll need an image capture of your signature before proceeding. At this time, you can only upload JPG or PNG files. The file size cannot exceed 5 MB. When you […]

Clinical users: How to create a laboratory request form

You may create a laboratory request form within VirtualCare and enter in all the relevant details for your patient. Then, your patient can review the appointment on their end and save or print the form themselves. Note: In order to complete this process, you must upload an image of your signature to your VirtualCare account […]

Clinical users: How to resend a VirtualCare invitation email to a patient

Once you have sent a VirtualCare invitation to your patient, they have up to 30 days to confirm their account by registering through the provided link in the email. This will ensure their account is kept safe and secure. If they fail to register in that timeframe or they try and fail to log in […]

Clinical users: How to edit a dependent’s VirtualCare profile

Once your patient or client’s dependent has been added to your VirtualCare roster, you can go back and edit their personal information, including Last name, First name, Birth date, Health card number, and Email. These fields can be edited at any time to ensure that they are up to date. 1. Click Patients. The Patients […]

Clinical users: How to resend a dependent verification email

When you add a dependent to one of your patient or client’s profiles, an email will be sent to them asking them to confirm. They have up to 30 days to confirm their dependent via email. If they fail to verify the dependent in time or they try and fail to log in too many […]

Clinical users: How to create dependent accounts for your patients

You have the ability to create a VirtualCare profile for your patient’s dependent or dependents. This dependent profile will display under your original patient’s profile and they will be able to request Virtual Visits on their behalf. Additionally, you may request Virtual Visits with their dependents. 1. Click Patients. The Patients list will display. 2. […]

Clinical users: How to confirm your patient’s dependent profile request

Patients have the ability to request a VirtualCare account for their dependents and send it to you to verify. You must confirm or decline the patient’s dependent submission in order for the dependent to display in VirtualCare. 1. Click Patients. The Patients list will display. 2. If you have any new dependent requests, they will […]